Comfort Curtails Abundance

It doesn't have to take a lifetime of toiling to build wealth. Abundance can literally happen overnight... it's almost eerie.
One single deal can put you over the top. One business idea can manifest millions for years to come, even for generations to come!!
By my examination of wealth creation, I've noticed something very important: Those who don't take risks, don't make the big bucks.
If you were not lucky enough to be born into wealth, like most people I know, you have to go out into the real world and make your way in life. It's great to read about all the success stories out there. The reality is anyone can have abundance and prosperity, but often times, people don't because they are "comfortable". The reality is, in order to be wealthy, you MUST go outside your comfort zone.
For example, a real estate investor must take risks to make money. They have to purchase property, spend money to fix it up, put in on the market, and trust that it will sell for the price they want.
Here are a few tips to get out of your comfort zone and start ushering in more prosperity into your life!
1. Examine your goals.
Do you have a written plan? Do you know what you want in life? If you don't know where you want to be five years from now, one year from now, or even one month from now? If not, how will you know if you've reached your ultimate destination? Know EXACTLY where you want to go. Have a written guide to what it is that you want to accomplish. Whether your goal is to be a top-producing real estate agent or a millionaire real estate investor, WRITE IT DOWN AND HAVE A TIMELINE.
2. Observe How You Spend Your Time.
The most precious thing in our lives is time. Once time is gone, it can never return. Time is so precious that one must be careful with how we use it. We must be STINGY with our time and guard it carefully. We have all heard the line: Time is MONEY. So, I ask you: How do yo spend your precious free time? Are you blopped in front of the television set, just veggin' out? Do you spend a lot of time going out to "party" with your pals? Do you spend all your free time gossiping with your girlfriends and putting others down? Those who succeed, discipline themselves to a strict regimen. Observe your schedule: is it one that will lead you on a path of success or failure?
3. Learn More, Earn More.
Those who carve time out to study, ALWAYS come out ahead. I'm not saying to go back to school to earn your MBA, although that will certainly help put you at a whole new level. The cold fact is: The more you INVEST in your education, the more ABUNDANCE you will have. Don't be complacent: go to a seminar, take a class at your local community college, sign up for an online course. At least read a book, for God's sake! In order to earn more, you must first LEARN MORE.
4. Program Your Mind for Success
Our brain is a computer: what we input, will be displayed. If you go around with thoughts of fear, poverty and lack, that's what the world will dish out. From my studies of clinical hypnotherapy, I KNOW for a FACT that a person can be PROGRAMMED for success. Every single person in this planet has the ability and the capability to enjoy ultimate abundance, health and joy beyond their wildest dreams!! We have everything we need, right here, right now, at this very moment in time! But the majority of people stand in their own way and limit their own success with negative words, negative actions and NEGATIVE THOUGHTS.
5. Get Out of Your Comfort Zone!
Do you have a comfortable, easy-breezy life? Then guess, what? You are not growing! You are not expanding! You are not performing at your peak! You are not doing every thing you are capable of. You are not fulfilling your God-given destiny!! In order to manifest miracles and create abundance, one needs to get out of their own complacent, conservative lifestyle and take risks. There is no other way around it: Success will not come knocking at your door, one must go out there and seek it, and DEMAND IT!
I hope these tips have motivated you and have given you a short road map to success. I have utilized these principles over and over again. Every time I faithfully follow these rules, I experience exponential growth and success in a short amount of time. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to write this and remind myself of these important rules.
May you seek and receive all the joy, love, health and prosperity you were meant to have.
Until next time,
Linda Pliagas, C.Ht.
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No part of this blog may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical without prior written permission except by a member of the media who wishes to quote brief passages for inclusion in a magazine, newspaper or broadcast. The advise in this blog is solely based on personal opinion. Always seek the advise of a trusted attorney, broker, financial planner, accountant or other professional before investing in real estate.