Attitude of Gratitude & Creative Financing

Hello Real Estate Investors!
Before I dive into this week's bloc, I'd like to do an exercise that is frequently done at wealth and prosperity seminars. Please go along with it in the spirit of Thanksgiving.
Take time to really ponder it. Be sure to jot them down so that you can see the list once again.
Here are mine: I'm thankful for...
1. My family & friends
4. Living in the United States
5. My apartments and tenants
Now that we all have an Attitude of Gratitude, let's dive into this week's Real Estate Investing Blog.
One of my colleagues, Lou Meza, a savvy real estate investor and advisor gave me a great technique to buy real estate and maximize its cash flow potential.
Lou manages Buckingham Investments' El Segundo office I met Lou at a real estate seminar taught by one of my mentors, Lisa Vanders, founder of Pacific Blue Investments ( Unlike my strategy of buying out of state, Lou prefers to purchase apartment buildings in California, which as we all know, is a very expensive market to be in at the moment.
So how do they do it? Well Lou and his clients purchase property with creative loans that enable them to maximize their cash flow. Although they do go into a negative situation, whereas their principle balance does not decrease, but rather increases, Lou has been pleased with his personal results.
It may sound scary to some, I know when I first heard of it, I cringed. But Lou says his cash flow is at an all-time high, he's able to purchase property in Los Angeles, and the amount of his negative principle is minimal compared to his appreciation.
I have heard of many investors who have utilized this creative loan tool effectively, but to know someone in the flesh doing it and flourishing from it is pretty incredible. It definitely increases my confidence to use more creative methods of financing, especially since my track record is about 25% appreciation per year -- so, what's a negative of a few thousand along the way?
Anyway, I thank Lou for sharing his awesome strategy with me so I in turn can share it on my blog. That's why I like real estate so much, it's a lot like journalism in the sense that you are always learning.
By the way, Buckingham Investments is expanding and they are interested in speaking with motivated real estate agents for their office in El Segundo, CA. If you are interested, please call: (310) 322-8343 ext. 1
Perfection Doesn't Pay
My title may seem like a paradox "perfection doesn't pay", but most of life really is paradoxical in nature.
Consider that when a bone breaks the exact location where the splinter took place will be transformed into the strongest point of repair. Life is a paradox, folks. And too many times human beings are chained to their past. They think that their past will determine their future. That's completely untrue. The past is gone, and the future is actually being created right now by our thoughts.
In his lecture, "Your Mind is Not Your Friend", Steven Trink, CH.t., states: "The past is history, the future is a mystery. All we have is now, that's why it's called the present -- because it's a gift."
When you uncover the paradoxical nature of the universe, one begins to realize that negativity actually works for you. For example, their is a Kabbalistic saying: "If it's bitter at the start then it's sweeter at the end."
Stated another way, the more darkness and stress one encounters, the more light is offered -- the more joy and success those hardships could potentially bring. It all depends on your mindset.
You don't have to be perfect or right every single time to be successful. The reality is PERFECTION DOESN'T PAY, PERSISTENCE DOES. And, every deal you make will make you better. And, if you're currently not doing deals then with every real estate book you read, with every real estate club meeting you attend, and with every question you ask, you will get better.
For those who think they can't get into real estate because they're not smart enough or perhaps they feel they can't succeed because they don't come from the right side of town. Well, if that is the case, then that is precisely why you should get into real estate!
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to become a wealthy real estate investor. The basic fundamentals of real estate investing are easy to grasp. I've met many real estate investors who didn't even finish high school, yet they are millionaires many times over.
Just because a person obtains numerous degrees, doesn't mean they will be economically successful. I'm not saying they won't make a good living, they most definitely will, if they manage their money well that is. But let's face it: Many of today's brightest are definitely not most of today's richest.
You don't have to be in that perfect place, at the perfect time to make money in real estate. You don't have to buy the perfect building, in the perfect neighborhood. You don't have to obtain the perfect financing. Remember: Perfection doesn't pay, persistence does!
5 Tips to Increase (or Start) Your Real Estate Wealth
I've been fortunate enough to attend many wealth and real estate seminars in the past few years. I've had the pleasure of hearing Tony Robins, Shakti Gawain, Lisa Vanders, Vanessa Williams, Donald Trump, Suze Orman and Hector Padilla speak live. Here are some prosperity techniques that I have not only acquired from attending seminars, but also in my personal training as a clinical hypnotherapist. Practicing these tips will increase your bottom line. To your prosperity!
1. Be thankful for your blessings, but expect more
2. Share what you have unconditionally
3. Learn more, earn more - Always strive to grow
4. Create your tomorrow by seeing and living it today
5. Stay hungry! Act as every deal could be your last
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No part of this blog may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical without prior written permission except by a member of the media who wishes to quote brief passages for inclusion in a magazine, newspaper or broadcast. The advise in this blog is solely based on personal opinion. Always seek the advise of a trusted attorney, broker, financial planner, accountant or other professional before investing in real estate.